About Modular Stands

Most companies begin exhibiting with a shell scheme stand. 

It’s a ready-made display system exhibition organisers offer to their exhibitors. 

Shell stands are simple structures (like the one shown above). 

They consist of upright poles and frames into and around which an exhibitor arranges their display. 

Organisers offer their clients various shell scheme packages. 

Most include carpeting. 

Some have a power socket or lighting. 

Some may also include a basic furniture package. 

What's included varies from show to show, so always check the booking form. 

Shell scheme is usually the least costly display option which is why it’s so popular especially for exhibiting newbies. 

Some organisers offer higher spec shell scheme stands for which you will pay more.

These stands don’t look like typical shell schemes. 

In reality, they are a different display system, more closely aligned to modular displays.

However, before we get into modular, here’s a quick review of the disadvantages of shell scheme. 

The most significant flaw is that shell stands tend to look the same. 

Shell scheme stands are constructed in blocks; unless specified, all are in standard colour (white or grey). 

So unless you customise your stand (changing the colour of walls or carpet), it will blend in with its neighbours.*

*Shell scheme suppliers have many components they can add to their standard shell stands (shell scheme storage areas are full of large boxes of what look like giant Meccano parts).

So far, I’ve talked a lot about shell and hardly mentioned modular displays. 

That's because most companies start out using shell scheme stands and graduate to a modular display from there. 

Modular exhibtion stands can also be billborads for your business like this one we built for dance supply specialist BLOCH. 

The advantages of modular exhibition stands

There are many, but below I list the main attractions of this highly-popular display system;

  • Impact 
  • Branding 
  • Customisation
  • Sustainability 
  • Flexibility 
  • Cost-effectiveness


A modular stand can look totally different to any other in the halls. 

Unlike a shell scheme, you can use the structure of a modular stand to help your business stand out in a crowded event. 

With excellent design input, you can go to a show with a stand that will be seen and noticed by the people you most want to attract. 

There's no mistaking that this modest-sized stand belongs to Ultimo Safety. We packed a lot into this striking 3m x 2m space. 


A big part of creating the impact described above lies in the branding of your stand. 

Colourful, large-scale graphics and digital screens create impact and eye-catching movement in ways that shell stands can’t match. 


Because it’s a stand designed for your products and corporate personality, you can customise a modular design to your needs. 

Tall or staggered walls, built-in storage areas, meeting rooms, and seminar or teach-in spaces are all possible with a modular system.  


One thing modular stands have in common with shell schemes is that both use standard parts in their construction.

A modular system's extensive range of components means that customisation options are almost infinite. 

The modular stand system that we market is Versaform Flex.

Flex provides a solid clue to one of this system's most significant selling points. 

You can read more via this link

Most of the foundational components in the Flex system, i.e. the frames for stands, shelving, and furniture, are made in aluminium.  

That’s important for sustainability because aluminium is an ultra long-lasting and strong material that can be reused many times over. 

And with refurbishment, components have an indefinite life span. 


I would say that flexibility is the quality most exhibitors prize above all else in a modular system. 

Because modular stands use standard components, you can adjust their size to fit the area of various event spaces.

Walls can curve, and shelving can be added or taken away.

All while keeping the same corporate look and feel for each stand. 


For all of the above reasons, modular stands are highly cost-effective

Also, they can be hired or purchased outright.

Choose the option most suitable for your requirements. 

If buying a stand is attractive, will you want to erect it each time or have the supplier do so for you?

And, do you have the space to store the stand?

These are services a supplier can provide and quote for (as we do). 

This stand, designed for esi automotive has striking graphics and a tall lightbox to help it stand out to show visitors 

Why event design skills make the difference

Type "Modular Stands" into a search engine, and you'll see a mesmerising number of suppliers and stand images. 

At first glance, many stands may look similar. 

Those that “stand out” (pardon the pun) are those with eye-catching design input. 

Event design skills are a must when seeking help with stand graphics, but effective stand design is about more than the just the visual. 

A stand should not only look good; it must work as a sales tool for your business. 

Products on clear view, room for people to move around and space for sales discussions are hallmarks of a working stand. 

Modular trade show stands can look very different from others. This one has plenty of graphic impact and was designed and built for Nomios. 

Because World Headquarters moves around

When you exhibit at a trade show, your stand is an embassy or an outpost of your business. 

For many attendees, that stand will form their first impression of your company. 

Design skills ensure that the impression received is favourable and professional. And that your stand has a natural flow with clear messaging displayed throughout. 

So, when thinking about finding a supplier, design skills should be high on your list of requirements. 

To see how we approach to design visit this page

Why buying the cheapest option is usually not the best value for money 

A cheap stand system can look exactly that. Cheap. 

There are many “bargain” systems available. 

However, they're unlikely to show your business in the best light, especially when surrounded by well-designed and professional stand neighbours in a busy trade show.  

In that scenario, they can sabotage your results. 

It's also worth considering that a "cheap" stand system may not last too long if you exhibit regularly. 

Replacing elements or scrapping the whole thing after a few outings will make a supposedly low-cost stand much more expensive. 

Therefore, if your company exhibits regularly, invest in a system with an extensive range of components. 

Doing so means that your stands grow as required and they need never look samey when you want to change the look and feel of your display. 

The JoraVision stand: IAAPA 2022, ExCeL London 

About Guardian Exhibition & Display 

We’ve been designing and building modular exhibition stands and graphics for nearly fifteen years. 

Each year we build more than 250 stands in the UK and internationally. 

We are a full-service design and build business.

That means we can design, build and store stands and supply digital screens, furniture and floor coverings and anything else you might need. 

To see recent examples of our work, visit Recently Delivered

For an outline discussion on a design for your next stand, email [email protected] or call 01702 662 111. 

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